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Collaboration & Partners
Personal coaching for presenters
With whom
It’s my pleasure to introduce you to two partners with whom I often collaborate in projects. By joining forces we give our clients a specific added value.

Saskia de Vries
Owner Closer 2 the job
Saskia de Vries is a very experienced trainer who specialises in counselling managers, supervisors and teams.
She is “preferred supplier coaching” at the Technical University of Delft and teaches masterclasses for university supervisors. Together we run the (English) course Conversation Skills for participants of the Graduate School. With PhD students from all corners of the earth we work on strengthening their communication skills in awkward situations that they're confronted with in their daily work as researcher or supervisor.
In this course developed by Saskia I have the role of training actor. I re-enact situations with the trainees in which they (can) feel uncertain or uncomfortable. By providing them with advice and tips we help them cope with this.
A great compliment from one of the trainees:
"Perfect team of very well experienced trainer giving helpful insights and on the spot feedback, also moderating the practice sessions very
well and an astonishingly good actor that manages to put you in any situation you wish to train. Awesome!"

William Jaworski
Owner Crescendo Partners
With his company Crescendo Partners William Jaworski helps private equity firms to tell their story convincingly and effectively when companies are looking for new buyers and exit presentations are in order. Using strong storylines and impressive visual presentations the company tale is depicted in a very powerful way.
William and I started working together in 2016 after which I joined the Crescendo Partners team.
In a typical project William first works with the management team on the build-up and the visualisation of the story, after which I start work on the presentation skills. This combination guarantees an excellent result, both content wise and verbally.
We have done projects with large companies in Italy, Romania, Germany, UK, Belgium and the Netherlands.
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